Forever In Our Hearts

Sometimes, Life can be harsh, and unfair. Two young adults lost their lives last night on the Pacific Highway. Gerard Sasso (as he is known on the forums), And Tom Prescott were on their way home from a drive in Gerard’s NA6 turbo when they had a head on collision with a small truck around 11:30pm.

When I first heard about this tragic news, I was shocked, and I still can’t believe that this has happened. I had known Gerard for quite a while now, regularly talking over MSN, and at meets. Half the time, we would have heated discussions about certain modifications and practices towards each others cars, that’s how we were with each other.

Gerard was very particular with his car, Keira. Religiously polishing it, taking snaps of it and giving it a good beating around the track, He was a very capable driver.

It’s a tragedy that two amazing peoples lives have been cut short, but they will be remembered forever.

My condolences go to Alex, and to both Gerard’s and Tom’s family’s.

Gerard and Tom, may you both rest in peace.

2 Responses to Forever In Our Hearts

  1. -alex says:

    Thanks so much for all your support.

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